Blocked Ducts & Mastitis

Nursing is not easy!!  Recurrent blocked ducts can make it even more stressful.  Blocked ducts are a common occurrence among nursing mothers and mastitis may develop in as many as 33% of those cases. It often happens due to engorgement, ineffective emptying of the breast during feeding (possibly due to a poor latch – also rule out a tongue tie!!), a weak breast pump, or stress.  Most instances occur in the first few months of breastfeeding but can happen at any time.

If your blockage has not resolved within 24-48 hours please contact us for help!

We are the only physical therapy practice in the area offering this program! Dr. Holly brought this treatment technique to Orange County over 10 years ago and even conducted a CEU course for the IBCLC.

We utilize therapeutic ultrasound with individualized parameters, manually drain the breast, and allow you to pump or nurse following the session in a private treatment room to ensure that the blockage has been cleared as thoroughly as possible. This helps to decrease overall inflammation in the tissues, prevent mastitis, avoid antibiotics, eliminate pain, and continue nursing!

Tips to Clear a Blocked Duct
  • KEEP NURSING or pumping at regular intervals. If nursing, try to point baby’s chin in direction of blockage.
  • Apply a warm or cold compress over the blockage or stand in a warm shower.
  • Take lecithin and bromelain supplements.
  • Contact a lactation consultant (we have a few in our ‘ōhana that we can refer you to).
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This content has been reviewed by the experienced specialists at Lokahi Physical Therapy and Wellness.